The Motley Fool


By: Jon Unterseh

A Bitcoin.

The legendary investors at The Motley Fool have unveiled their latest financial game plan… and I haven’t been this excited about a brand new investment guide in a long time!

Because this latest game plan is a “backdoor” opportunity into a big trend that’s become the financial story of the year.

I’m talking about Bitcoin — which surged up to 2,122% in just 2017 alone, creating a new wave of “Bitcoin millionaires” in the process.

Turn the clock back a little bit further and $1,000 invested into Bitcoin seven and a half years ago turned into more than $22 million today.

Of course — there’s a downside and reason so many investors have yet to touch Bitcoin. It’s volatile, having had massive sell-offs of 38%, 40%, and 29% in just the past six months!

And it’s hard to buy and own.

That is… until now.

That’s because The Motley Fool’s newest game plan is a savvy backdoor way to position your portfolio to capture the upside of the Bitcoin boom…

This new game plan — just announced — is creating a way to bring Bitcoin into the mainstream financial world.

So even if Bitcoin soars another 1,000%… drops 50%… or sits flat for the next year, this game plan could position you to profit so long as people are trading the digital currency.

This is an amazing opportunity! Just the other day, $9 billion worth of Bitcoin exchanged hands… That’s twice as much trading as happened in the world’s largest stock — Apple!

But here’s why we’re so excited… as more and more Bitcoin exchanges open, we believe the volume of Bitcoin trading could soar even higher.

That’s why we at The Motley Fool decided to create a guide to help investors position themselves to potentially profit from this boom!

But please note: with the prices of Bitcoin changing at such a rapid pace and huge buy and sell cycles, you could already be missing out.

So don’t delay any further – click below to find out how to get your copy of our exclusive game plan.

It’s very telling that we couldn’t wait any longer to release these recommendations with potential upsides this MASSIVE.

Don’t miss out. We don’t want any investors to kick themselves for not being in-the-know.

Past performance is not a predictor of future results. Individual investment results may vary. All investing involves risk of loss.

Returns data as of May 24, 2019. Jon Unterseh has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool owns shares of and recommends Apple. The Motley Fool has the following options: long January 2020 $150 calls on Apple and short January 2020 $155 calls on Apple. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.


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